Discover the globally renowned value investing style, exploring principles followed by major investors worldwide and in India, creating long-term wealth.
The course focuses on Value investing style of investing. Some of the biggest investors across the world and In India follow Value investing principles. In the course, We have focused on various tools and concepts of stock market related to value investing. Live demonstration is done to facilitate practical learnings. These principle can help Investors create wealth in stock markets over long term through value investing.
Principles to create wealth
Tools & concepts of stock market related to value investing
Live demo to facilitate your value creation learnings in stock market
Anyone With A Laptop, Personal Computer, Tablet Or Smartphone can learn
Internet connection
You will be confident to do basic analysis of stocks
Understand various stock market concepts as beginner
Learning practical insights about value investing
Getting idea of various tools needed for value investing
You will learn about identifying value stocks for your wealth creation.
You will learn about various value investing strategies.
You will learn about various red flags about investing